PhotoComments & Questions 
Discussion id : 57-308
most recent 17 SEP 11 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 17 SEP 11 by mashamcl
Kathy, Could you tell me what you think about this rose? (Do you no longer accept PMs?)
Reply #1 of 2 posted 17 SEP 11 by Kathy Strong
Well, I got if from Cliff and it's been in a rather small (2 gal) pot since that time, which was Nov. '09. It's a VERY slow grower, only one stem at this point and it's only 2 feet tall.. Probably one of those plants that SHOULD not be grown on it's own roots, and one of these days I'll graft it to something and see if it does better. Not a frequent bloomer either, but that probably goes with the small size of the plant and its restrained growth habit. It's not one I would purchase again.

And yes, I do accept private messages, and maybe we need help from HMF admin, as my HMF account also says I accept them from "ALL HMF members."
Reply #2 of 2 posted 17 SEP 11 by mashamcl
Thank you for your reply. Apparently your PM preferences are to not accept PMs from anyone. I have discovered that with quite a few people recently... I think I will pass on Purple Rain :)
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