PhotoComments & Questions 
Lion's Fairy Tale  rose photo courtesy of Woodbury, Celeste
Discussion id : 74-597
most recent 16 OCT 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 16 OCT 13 by Karen4Roses
With a goal of a no-spray rose garden, I have replaced a number of disease prone roses with a variety of the Kordes Fairy Tale roses. I have been pleased with the performance of all of them, but in my zone 5 garden, Lions Fairy Tale gets the blue ribbon (or gold star!). It is mid-October and most of my roses are starting to shut down, most of them have at least a little black spot, and many have 'naked legs'. Lion's Fairy Tale is still pumping out blooms and has clean deep green foliage all the way to the ground. What a super rose!
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