Absolutely stunning! The name had slipped my mind as it's been years since I grew this rose, but as soon as I saw this photo, I asked myself, "isn't that Touch of Class?" Yup! I loved the elegant, perfect form it always delivered and it was so wonderful in a vase of roses. Classic Touch, it's light pink sport was every bit as gorgeous, just a different color. Thank you for catching these two blooms as you have. This one looks like a high-end party dress in full twirl!
Hello Kim oui cette belle Rose c'est bien " Touch of class ", et je l'aime beaucoup. En France ( "Maréchale Leclerc " ) elle n'a pas été beaucoup diffusée, et elle est maintenant introuvable !!! ... mais dans mon jardin elle donne toujours des fleurs magnifiques !!! heureusement qu'aux Etats-Unis vous avez su apprécier cette Rose ( AARS ) Thank you Maurice ( j'écris en Français car je ne maitrise pas bien l'Anglais !! ... j'utilise la traduction Internet )
Hello Maurice,
Thank Heavens for Internet translations! I don't speak enough French to make myself understood and I'm sure it would definitely hurt your ears! I know enough "Spanglish" to understand a bit, but definitely not enough to converse. I hope something arises to replace the loss of the AARS and their efforts to promote beautiful roses. Without them, we very likely wouldn't have come to know and appreciate Touch of Class. I'm glad it's finally being spread around in its homeland. Please continue sharing your wonderful photographs of your beautiful roses! Thank you!
Hello Kim Si vous voulez, vous pouvez visiter ma page consacrée à " Touch of Class " sur mon site : http://rosespassion.e-monsite.com/pages/roses/marechale-leclerc.html VOIR DANS " ROSES"
Sentiments les meilleurs Maurice