Sometimes there is alot of confusion because some nurserys in Germany use the wrong synonyms for some of the seven dwarfs, even we do so because to correct it would cause even more confusion for the other German nurserys. here a complete list of all seven taken from the book modern roses 8: GERMAN NAME / ENGLISH NAME / COLOUR / WRONG GERMAN NAME (RUF) Alberich / Happy / currant red / Eberwein Degenhard /Doc / phlox pink,semidouble /Bertram Burkhard /Grumpy /pink,small,long truss / Degenhardt Eberwein /Dopey /crimson-red, truss /Alberich Bertram /Sneezy /neyron-rose,single /Burkhard Giesebrecht /Bashfull / reddish pink,white eye,single /Giesebrecht Balduin /Sleepy /rhodamine pink, very small /Balduin according to this on your Photo is doc and Sleepy changed...