Is this rose related to the rose Annie Laurie McDowell of Kim Rupert?
Probably only through their shared multiflora ancestry. There are similarities, but also pretty strong differences.
Goodmorning, Anna Coi is very different from Rupert's roses Annie Laurie McDowell ! At first my roses come from two not recurrent parent, including Rambling Rector, Veilchenblau and a noisette seedling, but his roses it's nearest at moscata-noisette than mine. Questions: I'd love to have some of varieties from Mr Rupert, for my research and if he want selling, how can I do? It's possible write by our e-mail? thanks
#3 of 3 posted
2 NOV 13 by
Rose-nursery De Bierkreek (NL) has and sells some of his roses.