Hello! I'm thinking of purchasing this rose. Was it hardy for you? I'm in Zone 5b, NW Illinois. I'm looking for a fragrant, hardy pink climber. I like the Canadian Explorer roses for their hardiness, but they have zero fragrance. Any advice? Thanks! Happy Gardening
It's vigorous as 1st year own-root, more so than Madame Isaac P. But I moved it to a bad spot and it died through the winter thanks to my moving. If I had left it alone, it would still be alive now. It was even more vigorous than James Galway, and James Galway is thriving now as 6th year own-root.
#2 of 2 posted
3 MAR 22 by
I haven't grown 'Mme Ernest', but I can say that both 'Mme Isaac Pereire' (extremely fragrant) and 'James Galway' (light, fruity fragrance) overwintered easily in my Zone 5b Iowa garden. The latter was especially hardy here, with no dieback -- despite being in fairly heavy shade through the winter, due to the angle of the sun.
You may want to look at the book "Right Rose, Right Place" by Peter Schneider (who grows in Zone 5b as well): he has a very useful chapter on cold-hardy climbers. Two fragrant pink ones he lists that caught my eye are 'Compassion' and 'Summer Wine'.
I've also heard good things about 'Isabella Skinner' and 'Viking Queen', both fragrant, pink, and hardy. Hope that helps!