PhotoComments & Questions 
Double Delight  rose photo courtesy of member Bruce Martin
One or more site guests believe this photo is incorrectly labeled or inaccurate !
Discussion id : 92-858
most recent 11 JUN 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 20 MAY 16 by LaurelZ
This photo is the one I bothered to comment on that it was the wrong rose and it looks photoshopped for added red and someone deleted my comment after commenting to me several times that my comment was wrong. What is the point of me bothering to post that the flower is wrong, if someone is just going to delete it. Why not make a policy that no matter how wrong it looks you can't complaint about it? Instead of inviting people to comment that they think it is wrong. My boyfriend totally agreed and he also said, the same thing, it's either photoshopped or wrong. It could be a very old style of camera like my old sony DSC-S75 cybershot, but I don't think so. I see over saturation of color like as in photoshop color enhancement.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 20 MAY 16 by HMF Admin
We agree and comments are not usually deleted unless there is some sort of issue. We will look into this. Thank you for pointing this out.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 22 MAY 16 by LaurelZ
Maybe I made a mistake and I just can't find that photo on which I commented on. I think that was the issue. I decided the rose is right, its just over saturated. I did look up color over saturation found a post.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 26 MAY 16 by Bruce Martin
Dear HMF Admin,
I am happy to remove the bloom in question, as it is causing quite a stir.
I do remember the bloom as a beauty, & probably a 1 in a life time. As we know, each plant produces lots of blooms in its life time, and although they look similar on each bush, they are all unique as well.
Please send me the information on how to delete the photo

Yours faithfully

Bruce Martin
Reply #4 of 5 posted 26 MAY 16 by Jay-Jay
Your post was never deleted as Patricia Routley pointed out earlier. The discussion ID is: 92-552
Just click on the Comments & Questions Tab above the photo and You'll find Your original post. The second from above.
And maybe Your answer is in the third post/comment about this rose at the bottom of the page. Discussion ID: 30-253

And to Bruce Martin I would say: Please keep the photo on HMF, For this rose can appear in surreal red once in a while... I like it when the range in colors of the flowers is shown on HMF.
And yes: Although a variety shows the same rose every time it flowers, still there is some variation and as You pointed out correctly: Every flower is unique!

(Btw: Some digital photo-camera's are having troubles to shoot a correct red.
For that You don't have to photoshop!)
Reply #5 of 5 posted 11 JUN 16 by Jay-Jay
Nostalgie can behave the same as Double Delight does... And though the photo looks photo-shopped, it hasn't been altered and the flower looked in real-life this way too in full midday sunlight.
Discussion id : 92-552
most recent 22 MAY 16 SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 MAY 16 by LaurelZ
This looks photoshopped for more red.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 6 MAY 16 by Patricia Routley
This is the first (2008) photo of 'Double Delight' that Bruce contributed. It is of interest to look at his subsequent photos of this rose:
099691. 2008, Feb
136056. 2009, Oct
136055. 2009, Dec
138565. 2010, Jan
211602. 2010, Oct
211603. 2010, Oct
Reply #2 of 3 posted 17 MAY 16 by Bruce Martin
She was a beauty, for me, I don't see the point of photo shopping anything, because we are about what our gardens produce, not our IT skills (not that I have any). I can't explain it, except the red was that intense, that camera took that luminous color, which the bloom was. The same camera has taken all the rose photo's I've submitted, so I guess blame nature, if anyone.

Yours faithfully

Bruce Martin
Reply #3 of 3 posted 22 MAY 16 by Patricia Routley
Was this the post you were looking for tropicalthought?
Discussion id : 30-253
most recent 13 SEP 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 10 SEP 08 by Nicole
not correct rose for this cultivar
Reply #1 of 6 posted 11 SEP 08 by Sarah
Actually, it could be. You can see that the center is white/yellow, and I see white on the petals. The plant I purchased had been kept in the bright Texas sun, and the bloom it had when I purchased it was very, very red like this.
Reply #3 of 6 posted 11 SEP 08 by Bruce Martin
Dear Sarah,
Thankyou for the support.
The Bloom in question is definately a DD, and as I explained to Nicole, Australia has hot and long summers and our 8th year of drought when photo was taken.
The southern Australian climate is perfect, dry heat and not much humidity, which brings flushes from late September through to late April.
All watering is done via nature and recycled washing machine water.
Your photo file is beautiful Sarah, and look forward to viewing further photo's from you.
Yours faithfully
Reply #2 of 6 posted 11 SEP 08 by Bruce Martin
Dear Nicole,
Sarah is correct, thie photo is actually that of a Double Delight.
I live in Victoria(souther Australia), and the photo was taken in at least or 8th year of drought.
Many days of intense sunlight on end, averaging b/w 30-35C.
The whole flush, the plants last of the season, was this intense red on the 3 year old plant.
I've attatched another photo from the same plant, taken the year before to show how different blooms can be.
Feel free to look at all my photo's Nicole, and most of them do have rich color.
Look forward to your reply.
Reply #4 of 6 posted 11 SEP 08 by digger
It looks like a Double Delight bloom to me. How long have you grown Double Delight and how many blooms have you actually seen Nicole? One reason I find DD so attractive is that blooms can look very different depending on conditions.

Nice photo Bruce, I like Double Delight blooms with a lot of red in them. We got a second one in 2000 and planted it where it gets more sun than the first does. The first only gets 6 hours of sun per day and blooms didn't get as much red as I like. The second gets 10+ hours and blooms occasionally look like yours.

Reply #5 of 6 posted 13 SEP 08 by Bruce Martin
Dear Deb & Dave,

I totally agree Dave, my DD produced very pale yellow blooms in it's 1st year, I felt through lack of sunshine.Since transplanting it in July 2006 (our winter) from a spot of approx 7 hours sunshine (of that approx 2hrs dappled) to a very sunny and open section of the garden, it has thrived.
My Fiona's Wish was put into the old DD spot and it's color is now alot more rich, especially the yellow, with less sunshine in it's day.
Horses for courses, which is the beauty with roses, just transplant them to other parts of the garden if production or color is lacking.
Yourself & Deb should be proud of your garden, quite stunning and healthy blooms.
Yours faithfully
Reply #6 of 6 posted 13 SEP 08 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Looks like 'Double Delight' to me too. Of course it could also easily be, 'Mon Cheri'.
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