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Rosarium Quinta do Arco

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Rose (limited public access) Garden  

Listing last updated on Thu Aug 2024
Arco de Sao Jorge
Santana, Ilha Da Madeira 9230-018
(351) 291 570 270  [Information]
(351) 291 570 276  [Fax]
Established 2003. Rose garden on 13'000 m2, hotel.
[From By Any Other Name, March 2008, p. 3-4:] This collection displays over 1,550 different species and varieties of roses, old and modern. A total of 17,000 rose bushes have been cultivated. This rose Garden has a geometric curve structure, with wide paths, and covered with arches and pergolas. As you walk around, you can enjoy modern and old historic roses, all of them grouped in “family” beds. The old garden rose bushes, climbing and nonclimbing, include specimens of Gallicas, Damasks, Albas, Centifolias, Moss Roses, China Roses, Portland Roses, Bourbons, Noisettes, Teas, Hybrid Multifloras, Boursaults, Sempervirens Roses, Ayrshire Roses, Scottish Roses, Banksians, Rosa laevigata and hybrids, Rosa bracteata and hybrids, Bermuda Roses (Mystery Roses), Rosa gigantea and hybrids, Rosa eglanteria (Sweet Briar) and hybrids, Rosa moschata (Musk forms) and hybrids, Rosa soulieana and hybrids, Rosa setigera and hybrids, Rosa filipes and hybrids, Rosa foetida and hybrids, Rosa brunonii and hybrids, Rosa nutkana and hybrids, and other species. The more recent rosebushes, climbing and non-climbing, include specimens of Hybrid Tea Roses, Floribundas, Polyanthas, Patio and Miniature Roses, English (David Austin) Roses, Shrub Roses, and Modern Climbers .... Madeira’s endemic rosebush, Rosa mandonii (Déségl), is a unique curiosity for all the collectors and rose lovers all over the world.
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