HelpMeFind Roses, Clematis and Peonies
Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Lauren's Gardens

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Rose (member) Garden  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
United States
Rose & Thorn: "the" rose garden (every garden but one has roses), this one has the hybrid teas, some Buck roses, a couple of unknowns, and a few Austins.

American Beauty: east-facing garden of all reds, whites, and blues.

The Terraces: North & South: mixed gardens down the hillside on either north or south of house -- both Terraces host roses happily.

Patio Garden: a border garden around the patio, includes several Austins, antiques, and a few Bucks.

Wolverine Garden: the original, next to the old cabin; began with mostly "found" plants. Evolved into a very 'country' garden with blues and yellows mostly. The only garden with no roses, as it is too shaded.

Arbor Garden: next to the arbor, naturally. A bit shaded, but still a couple of roses: Golden Showers, Autumn Sunset, Cal Poly climber growing on the fence.
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