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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Jan's Brentwood Garden
Discussion id : 138-926
most recent 12 FEB 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 FEB 23 by jmile
Chamblee's Nursery - I love Jalbert roses so I would be happy to share cuttings of any of his roses that I have. Please contact me again in the spring and summer when the roses are in bloom. If you have a wish list for cuttings let me know. I will be updating HMF list as I plant more of his roses. Looking forward to seeing what you will be selling now and in the future.
Discussion id : 138-921
most recent 12 FEB 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 12 FEB 23 by CCampbell
Hi Jan!

I am the owner of Chamblee’s Rose Nursery. We recently have been working with Brad Jalbert to introduce his roses here in the US. We asked Brad about a specific variety, “Loretta Lynn Van Leer”, and he unfortunately lost his plant of it and his supplier stopped reproducing the plant as well. We are hoping to save this variety from going extinct. If you would be willing to share some cuttings with us, we would be most appreciative.

Thank you for your consideration! Feel free to send a private message or reply here.

Thank you!
Discussion id : 136-288
most recent 28 JAN 23 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 28 JAN 23 by cjbrooks
Hi Jan,

I am hoping you might have cuttings of "Glenda Marie" you would be willing to send or sell me. I gave this rose to my wife for our anniversary several years ago and it unfortunately died. I have been trying to replace it but it appears that it is no longer in cultivation.

Chris Brooks
Discussion id : 133-889
most recent 27 JUL 22 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 27 JUL 22 by sanchicken
Good morning Jan, I hope all is well. I am wondering if you have any updated information on the "Lady Sadie" rose. I have been trying to find a cutting to propagate, or at least hear how it performs in different regions, but so far have had little luck. Any updates or information you could provide about the plan would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
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