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Rose (member) Garden
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
About 2000 square meters lots of roses and clematis in a "wild-romantic" fashion
Mrs. Cholmondeley Koenigskind, blau Piilu Rooguchi Margot Koster Prince Charles Blue Angel Jackmanii Etoile Rose Princess Kate Princess Diana Gravetye Beauty Etoiles Violettes Kaiu Entel Julia Correvon Kommerei florida Alba Plena viticella rubra Avant-Garde Hannah tangutica Anita tangutica Lambton Park Paul Farges Jasper montana var rubens montana pink perfection montana grandiflora
Old roses:
Baltimore Belle Gloire de Dijon Lykkefund Ghislaine de Feligonde Rose de Resht Mousseline Vierge de Clery Felicia Penelope Stanwell Perpetual Bloomfield Abundance Blanchefleur Mme Isaac Pereire Mme A. Carriere Venusta Pendula 2x Gela Tepelmann/Frau Eva Schubert Alba Maxima Felicite et Perpetue Salet Aennchen von Tharau Adelaide d'Orleans Ayrshire Queen 2x Bobby James
Modern Roses:
Leander Dornroeschenschloss Sababurg Belle Coquette Super Fairy Laguna Jasmina 2x Parade Rosarium Uetersen
Rosengarten Zweibruecken Guirlande d'Amour Wild Edric 3x Gertrude Jekyll Proud Bride Marie-Luise Marjan Mayflower 2x New Dawn Heritage
and several unnamed children of love...