Photo courtesy of Rev Roses
Rose Society and Garden
Listing last updated on Sat Nov 2024
Glennwood Dr. & Main St. Northeast Corner of the park Prague, Oklahoma 74864 United States
USDA Zone: 7a (0 to 5 F / -17.7 to -15.0 C)
(405)567-7440 [Information]
http://reddirtroses.blogspot.com/2012/06/prague-rose-garden-club-update.html VISIT THEIR WEBSITE
The Prague Rose Garden Club was organized November 2, 1961. The organizational meeting was held in the parlor of the United Methodist Church. The charter members of the group were Mrs. Odie Pester, Mrs. J. T. Criswell, Mrs. Emma Hrdy, Mrs. Devoe Brasel, Mrs. David Sykora, Mrs. Mancel Ellis, Mrs. Bob Teape, Mrs. Joe Klabzuba, Mrs. Milo Foreman, and Mrs. Tom Foster. Norma Foreman was elected as the group's first President. This group of local rose gardeners wished to beautify the city and share the beauty of the rose with the larger community through it public garden. Many of its members have passed away leaving the garden in the community park as its legacy. In recent years the garden has been somewhat neglected but is being revived in the Summer of 2010. The local FFA (Future Farmers of America) and other volunteers are now caring for the garden.