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'Général Galliéni' rose Reviews & Comments
Discussion id : 72-088
most recent 1 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 1 JUN 13 by Smtysm
Does not appear to set any hips
Reply #1 of 2 posted 1 JUN 13 by Kim Rupert
It may not in your climate. Two of the three listed offspring are reportedly from using the General as the seed parent, so it will set hips somewhere. It isn't uncommon for roses to be selective about where they set hips. That can be for a variety of reasons. Rosarium Uetersen, when grown in extremely high heat, produces intensely double blooms where all sexual parts are transformed into petals. In that situation, there are no hips set. Grow the same plant in a cooler climate, and the flowers are far less double and extremely fertile. I've experienced the same issue with Iceberg and Mermaid. High heat areas prevent both from setting seed, while milder areas enable them to form and carry hips.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 1 JUN 13 by Patricia Routley
Just the same as people aren't they? High heat would have prevented me (in my day) from getting pregnant too. hmfusr lives in coolish Melbourne. The authors of 'Tea Roses: Old Roses for Warm Gardens' lived in hottish Perth and it is interesting to read their 2008 reference for both 'General Gallieni' and 'Rosette Delizy'.
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