'Prairie Peace' rose Reviews & Comments
What you can expect of Prairie Peace seedlings: Genotypes: WS127, WS132, WS135, WS136, WS137,WS138, WS140, WS205, WS204. WS140 has rebloomed in summer of 2014. . . There is another seedling of open pollinated Prairie Peace. It was raised by Douglas Wild from Canada and has the number 'DW101F1'. Doug described its habit like this: "Attached are two photos of one seedling (PRP X OP) that has impressed me with it's rebloom characteristics...typically in late summer, this seedling has dark hips (1st bloom cycle), green hips (2nd bloom cycle), and flower (3rd bloom cycle) all on the same plant. It also has numerous blooms along the upper canes." and "I think it would be fair to say it can have 3 bloom cycles per year under ideal conditions". "this plant is over two meters in height...very vigorous" Surely one nice rose with great characteristics.
Fascinating. Are these OP?
Yes they are OP. I hope it helps sometime somebody. My Thanks to Margit Schowalter who provided the seeds.
Since they are likely self pollinated It would be interesting to see if they offered improved fertility over the seed parent.
As far as I know Prairie Peace is fertile. The problem with PP seeds seems to be that the seeds do not germinate naturally due to a too hard seedcoat. All my seedlings were germinated by Don Holman's embryo rescue method, but all embryos were viable, I had a very high success rate.
WS140 gave me 2 OP seedlings that germinated naturally, so it seems not to have the seedcoat problem.
#13 of 13 posted
29 MAY 15 by
In spring 2015 I got 4 seedlings of 230 seeds sown in a pot an placed outside, so spontaneos germination is also not very good.
Thanks for posting the great pictures. Amazing seedlings!
Margit, thanks, but the credit is due to you for providing the seeds. Werner
#7 of 13 posted
5 MAY 14 by
Don H
Clearly the foundation for a new rose breeding dynasty :)
Definitely, I am just thinking about resigning my job to focus on this new rose breeding dynasty :) mmh.... not sure if my children will like to go hungry? Thanks Werner
#10 of 13 posted
27 DEC 14 by
It would be very interesting to learn more about your seedlings, such as rebloom capacity, fragrance and shape and size of the bushes. Would be most interested in a cutting from a good one. Good luck with it all!
#11 of 13 posted
29 DEC 14 by
Fredrik unfortunately there is not that much more that i can tell you. All of them are healthy plants, size up to now is 1m to 1,5m but they might grow bigger still if they get time and space. Shape is difficult to tell as all are growing in confined space, the stick all to the spinosiisima type, some are more branching in the upper canes some less. Sorry I did´nt care for the fragrance so far. Regarding cuttings you might contact me via pm. You know Prairie Peace is available now in Europe?
#12 of 13 posted
29 DEC 14 by
Many thanks! Yes, I noticed Rosenposten has it but am actually more interested in a more yellow, pink or yellow-pink variety with similar qualities. Some of your varieties looked more in that direction. If possible, we could arrange with a cutting next year (via PM).