msangelpie writes: This link discusses
'Perle d'Azur' and the
Royal Horticultural Society's
Award of Garden Merit:
Hello msangelpie: This whole thing with the AGM Awards is a bit of a sticky wicket. They're awarded, then several years down the road they're taken away. What you end up with is Major Confusion: references from before the change list the awards, references after do not. Depending upon which reference a person is using, that individual labors under the illusion that a plant has an award that it no longer has. Very, very confusing.
My feeling is: if you award an award that's a matter of record. If you decide down the road to take that award back, I figure it should be duly noted somewhere on the plant's page, BUT I don't think we should "erase" the original award and pretend it never happened.
Personally, I should be highly insulted if I was awarded an award and then, down the line, that award was taken back. In addition, doesn't it make the award seem less a reliable standard when it can be given out and then taken back so arbitrarily?
I don't understand the "logic" that is (or is not) at work here.
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