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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Hazlewood Bros. Pty. Ltd
(1925)  Page(s) 44.  
General List (44) Alexander Hill Gray (Tea. A. Dickson 1911). F. 3. .....Recommended by the Victorian Rose Society as one of the best twelve exhibition roses. Reports from all climates proclaim it a success everywhere though liable to ball in wet weather.
(1926)  Page(s) 47.  
General List. (50) Alexander Hill Gray (T. A. Dickson 1911) F. 3. .....Tea [scent]
(1921)  Page(s) 21.  
Alex. Hill Gray (T).  (A. Dickson).  F. 2.  (Note 2 = vigorous grower of moderate height for a middle position)  Lemon yellow blooms of perfect shape.  Free blooming and fragrant.  A good variety.
(1929)  Page(s) 28.  
New Roses 1929.
Alexander Marghiloman (HT) (Arpad Muhle, 1927). Strong growth, flowers large creamy white with splendid orange centre, in style of Aspirant Marcel Rouyer. 5/- each.
Paler than Aspirant Marcel Rouver, Promising.
(1936)  Page(s) 36.  
New Roses 1936.  Alezane (HT.  Pahissa 1934) Large, reddish brown buds opening to sorrel flowers, changing to rich apricot, with the reverse  of petals sorrel striped with yellow veins.  Very vigorous, upright and branching growth and dark green foliage. 4/- each.
25 petals with a very attractive colour.
(1937)  Page(s) 43.  
New Roses 1936.  Alezane  HT.  (Pahissa 1934) F. 3. Very variable, semi-double blooms of reddish brown to pink and apricot.  Good growth and free flowering.  A.H.M.Mts.P.S. 
(1911)  Page(s) 24.  
Hybrid Perpetual Roses. Alfred Colomb. Brilliant red, large, globular, perfect form
(1953)  Page(s) 8.  
Novelty Roses 1952. Alfredo Moreira Da Silva (HT. Mallerin 1946) Long pointed buds and semi-double yellowy pink blooms. Very good. 10/6 each.
(1925)  Page(s) 24.  
New Roses 1925. Alice (Dwarf Poly) (Spek ) Beautiful shade of pink similar to, but deeper than ‘Echo’. The double flowers which are produced in large trusses are fringed. The growth is strong and branching. It is mildew proof and excellent for bedding or decorative purposes. Declared to be the best pink polyantha yet produced. 4/. each.
Colour fades quickly and the central blooms which open first spoil the rest of the bunch.
(1924)  Page(s) 11.  
New Roses, 1924. Alice Amos (Poly). (Jan Spek). Flower beautiful cherry-pink with white eye, borne in large trusses. Growth strong. 'Tip-Top' x seedling. Awarded Certificate of Merit. A dwarf 'American Pillar'. Good.
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