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The Rose Amateur's Guide, 5th ed., 1854
(1854)  Page(s) 98.  
The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
...Madame Recamier, a new variety—something like the well-known Noisette rose, Aimée Vibert, but with larger flowers, forming a very pretty, abundant blooming bush...[one of] the only White Hybrid Perpetual roses at present known...
(1854)  Page(s) 130.  
The Noisette Rose.
Fellenberg and Octavie are two pretty crimson roses, and Vicomtesse d'Avesne is a very neat rose-coloured rose, blooming most abundantly.
(1854)  Page(s) 99.  
The Autumnal Rose Garden.
The Hybrid Perpetual Rose.
Dwarf Hybrid Perpetual Roses.
These are pretty little gems, occupying, in this family, the place of the De Meaux and Pompon roses among the Provence, and the Burgundy among the French. [...]
...and Pauline Bonaparte, with small nicely-shaped flowers of a pure white, completes the list.
(1854)  Page(s) 108.  
The Bourbon Rose. (Rosa Bourboniana.) Rosier de L'Ile Bourbon.
There are a few Bourbon Roses, of remarkably vigorous habits, scarcely adapted for planting in beds, as all those above described are,—such are Apolline, of a beautiful and glossy rose colour; Louise Odier, almost equal to Coupe d'Hebé in the shape of its bright rose-coloured flowers; Paxton, a vigorous grower, with flowers of the same colour; Imperatrice Josephine, with light blush flowers; Julie de Fontenelle, Le Grenadier, and Sully, all vigorous-growing crimson roses, and the finest of all for pillar roses. They will require the treatment recommended for summer pillar roses in p.35. For light soils, these Bourbon pillar roses should be budded on the Manetti rose. For deep rich soils they will do very well on their own roots, or budded on dwarf stocks of the Dog Rose.
(1854)  Page(s) 86.  
Perpétuelle Mauget, a rose raised at Orleans some years ago, is one of the best, but it is a most delicate grower: budded on the rose Félicité Perpétue it may, perhaps, be made to do better. Its flowers are very double, well-shaped, and of a nice bright rose colour.
(1854)  Page(s) 134.  
The Musk Rose (Rosa Moschata.)
Rivers's Musk, raised here from Italian seed, is a pretty, abundant, blooming rose, with flowers of a rosy buff, and very fragrant.
(1854)  Page(s) 106.  
The Bourbon Rose.
Dark Crimson.
Scipion and Charles Souchet are also fine dark roses, but in this class a new rose...
(1854)  Page(s) 117.  
The Tea-scented China Rose.
In describing a few select varieties of this class, our first group shall comprise those with rose-coloured flowers; and two more beautiful roses cannot be imagined than Adam and Souvenir d'un Ami. How large, how finely shaped and fragrant are their flowers!
(1854)  Page(s) 108.  
The Bourbon Rose. (Rosa Bourboniana.) Rosier de L'Ile Bourbon.
There are a few Bourbon Roses, of remarkably vigorous habits, scarcely adapted for planting in beds, as all those above described are,—such are Apolline, of a beautiful and glossy rose colour; Louise Odier, almost equal to Coupe d'Hebé in the shape of its bright rose-coloured flowers; Paxton, a vigorous grower, with flowers of the same colour; Imperatrice Josephine, with light blush flowers; Julie de Fontenelle, Le Grenadier, and Sully, all vigorous-growing crimson roses, and the finest of all for pillar roses. They will require the treatment recommended for summer pillar roses in p.35. For light soils, these Bourbon pillar roses should be budded on the Manetti rose. For deep rich soils they will do very well on their own roots, or budded on dwarf stocks of the Dog Rose.
(1854)  Page(s) 34.  
The Hybrid China Rose.
Triomphe de Bayeux, the only white hybrid China rose known, is even more vigorous in its habit than Chênedolé, and, like all the roses of this family, only adopted for a large standard as a pillar rose, now that we have our beautiful Hybrid Perpetual Roses as ever-blooming bushes for our rose beds.
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