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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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The National Nurseryman
(1894)  Page(s) 34.  
Empress of China - Our new perpetual blooming climber. To dealers who will make this valuable new variety a specialty with their...
(Dec 1913)  Page(s) 467.  
A class of rose coming into great favor as a pot plant, bedding or as edging for borders is the Dwarf Polyantha, commonly known as Baby Rambler Roses. [...] Erna Teschendorff is a rich brilliant, charming red, and is heralded as the variety that will supersede.
(Dec 1913)  Page(s) 466, V.21.  
Florence Pemberton deep, silvery-pink, opening up like a huge peony, and almost equal to one in size...
(1933)  Page(s) 14.  
Gold Standard, HT, Baum's Home of Flowers, Knoxville, Tenn., Joanna Hill sport, sulphur yellow.
(Dec 1916)  Page(s) 406.  
A Marvelous New Peony
After much experimenting Leon Renault's Nursery of Orleans, France, has perfected a handsome herbaceous Peony, which has been introduced as 
The Lord Kitchener
This new variety is briilliant cherry-red in color, with flowres well-filled out, and of substance to make them exceptional keepers.
The plant is a vigorous grower, and produces numerous perfect blooms earlier than any other variety.  In fact, Lord Kitchener is the EARLIEST of all Chinese Peonies.
Your request for quotations or your immediate orders should be sent to
F. J. Grootendorst & Sons
Room 1101, 10 Broadway
New York, New York
who are the sole agents for Leon Renault, in the United States.
(Dec 1898)  Page(s) 129.  
In the fall of 1896 we imported from Germany a large collection of new fruit and ornamental shrubs and trees gathered together from many parts of the temperate zone says Professor N. E. Hansen, Brookings, S.D. Many of these flowered last year and are blooming again this year. Among the roses we find the Madame Charles Frederic Worth remarkable for its wonderfully free blooming habit. The flowers are in clusters, large, double, very fragrant, color a beautiful rosy crimson, changing to purple crimson as the flowers fade. The plant is a hybrid of the Rosa rugosa and has retained its sturdy habit and strong foliage. Last year this hybrid blossomed from July to the end of the season, and this year it began the middle of June and bids fair to repeat the performance.
(1911)  Page(s) 142.  
Mrs Edward Vicars
(Dec 1913)  Page(s) 466.  
Hybrid Teas
There is always a dearth of good yellows, but recent years have added some of our best forcing and bedding roses in the section of yellows. Not a new rose, but one of our best yellow hybrid Teas is Mme. Ravary. This variety came out in 1899, but has been overlooked by the growers in this country until very recently. Its main drawback is the difficulty in prpagation, which will always make it scarce. In color it is a beautiful golden yellow, opening full orange yellow, good buds and open flowers.
(1912)  Page(s) 169.  
New Rose, Miss Genevieve Clark. Messrs. Jackson & Perkins of Newark, New York are about to put on the market ....After testing this rose in their nurseries for several years, the Jackson & Perkins Company consider it a production of real merit.
(Apr 1911)  Page(s) 141.  
New Roses Worth Growing
Hybrid Tea Roses
Mamie -- A grand garden rose which has been overlooked. Very vigorous grower, constant in bloom, giving flowers of enormous size. Color rosy carmine, with distinct yellow zone. A superb variety.
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