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- Q: I am interested in finding out more information about 'Claire Rose', like: position to grow, feeding, wind tolerance and pruning. I live in Albany Western Australia and l was given the 'Claire Rose' as a gift and I am very interested in how it will grow in our climate. Thank you.
- A:Have you checked out the REFERENCES on this rose's page? (Scroll down to REFERENCES and click on BY TITLE or BY AUTHOR.) In particular, check out the entry for 100 English Roses for the American Garden (don't be put off by the title!), the author has a collection of English Roses in Southern California which, I believe, is similar in many ways to your climate. This rose is susceptible to powdery mildew and doesn't like hard pruning. You might also check out some of the GARDENS of people that grow this rose. They have personal experience with it and might be able to provide you with some tips. Good luck!
- Q: Is there a rose called 'Black Magic'? What particular color is it? I need to find a deep burgundy rose for my wedding. Can you help me?
- A:There are several roses named 'Black Magic'. You may be referring to a recent introduction that was bred by Rosen-Tantau and is available through Jackson & Perkins. You'll find more information about it on that rose's page. Go to http://www.HelpMeFind.com/Roses and click on CUSTOM SEARCH. In the Rose Name field, type "black" and then click the SEARCH button. When the list of roses that meet your criteria is displayed, click on a name to go to the page for that rose. When that rose's page is displayed, scroll down to SUPPLIERS and click on By Name or By Region. (If you don't see SUPPLIERS, there are none listed for this rose.) Good luck!
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Alex SuttonGrowing 'Claire Rose' in Australia. 'Black Magic'.
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