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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Charles H. Totty, Madison, New Jersey, 1916 catalog
(1915)  Page(s) 32.  
Roses for Forcing—Novelties for 1915
White Shawyer (Totty)
A pure white sport of Mrs. Shawyer which has been eagerly looked for. Like the foregoing, it is a wonderfully free bloomer with the quick growing habit of its original parent. It is much clearer and better than White Killarney and we feel sure it will displace that variety in the average commercial establishment, combining as it does a very vigorous habit and having enough petalage to make it an all-year Rose. Early indications point to a remarkable sale of this Rose and we would suggest placing your order early.
(1916)  Page(s) 16.  
Roses for Outdoor Planting
New Roses for Fall Planting
William Cooper. Vigorous, free-branching growth; handsome foliage; flowers large and wonderfully formed, with high, pointed center; color deep lake red. A fine, bold, handsome flower, produced in endless profusion. One of the very finest garden Roses of recent years, producing freely and continuously throughout the season. Gold Medal, N.R.S.
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