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Historia Plantarum
'Historia Plantarum'  photo
Photo courtesy of jedmar
Book published 1541.

Authored by Conrad Gessner
p. 132-133: ROSA refrigerat & astringit, sed sicca multo magis. Succus recentibus foliis exprimitur, defectis sorsice unguibus (sic appellantur candidæ foliorum partes) reliquum in plia premi & teri debet in umbra donec cogatur, asperis.  [ROSE is cooling & astringent, but dry much more so. The juice is squeezed out of fresh leaves, when the nails are broken (so the white parts of the leaves are called), the rest is pressed into folds and must be rubbed in the shade until it is forced, rough.]
"Historia plantarum et vires ex Dioscoride, Paulo Aegineta, Theophrasto, Plinio & recentioribus Græcis iuxta elementor, ordinem"
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