Holly emailed: My garden club wants to study up on Grandiflora roses. I'm supposed to be the club rose know-it-all, but am baffled as to what I can say to present a program. Any ideas?
Hi Holly: Take a look at
'Queen Elizabeth' -- the first Grandiflora. Be sure to check out the
REFERENCES on her page at:
Actually, Grandiflora is a term used in the US, but not universally accepted by rosarians in other countries who might put the same roses under "Cluster-flowered" or "Large-flowered".
Also, check 'Queen Elizabeth's DESCENDANTS (also on her page) for more varieties.
And then, after you've done ALL THAT , try
CLASS = Grandifloras
On all the pages on the site, any text in blue is a hyperlink to more information about whatever it is that's in blue. Follow those links and I think you'll gather a goodly amount of information that will truly make you An Expert Know-It-All!
Good luck. I'm sure you will do very, very well.
Someone emailed: Hey, there's a rose you should add to this list. 'Barbara Streisand'.
Hi Someone: Hey, that rose IS on this list. Only it's spelled like this: 'Barbra Streisand'.
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