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Rose Breeder and Discoverer
Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
[From Modern Roses 10, p. 731:] S.J. Samuels, New Zealand. 1972 New Zealand Rose Annualp35. Obituary. Stephen James Samuels. 1989 New Zealand Rose Annualp78. Editor. A Convention in Sunny Nelson. ....ready for a trip to the Samuels' Rose Garden. The rose garden has been named after an excellent Nelson rose nurseryman, the late Mr. S. J. (Jim) Samuels, who donated the stock and budwood for the garden and undertook the budding, assisted by his wife. Mr. Samuels developed several roses himself, the best known of which was probably 'Rima', a sport of 'Prima Ballerina' which he named after his wife. The rose garden was opened to the public in 1968 and....