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Scholle, Ewald

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Seppenrade, North Rhine-Westphalia D-59348
[From McCann on Roses, The Rose (RNRS), Summer, 1994, by Sean McCann, pp. 88-89:] Bernhard F. Mehring of Reading is the man who is taking the thornlessness of roses a stage further than we reached with the introduction of Harvey Davidson's roses in the last few years. Bernhard has recently moved into the professional ranks of rose producers by forming a company called Eurose, emphasising his own work on thornlessness plus the added efforts of German breeder Ewald Scholl and the late George Oliver. He believes that the roses he will introduce will prove to be completely thornfree whereas earlier varieties carried some thorns of prickles.

He Pointed out to me some time ago that there are a number of other breeders working on thornless roses, some of which are already on sale in Germany.

Now the idea to increase the number of roses in this category, and already in the Ewald nursery there are some 150 varieties...
[From] Ewald Scholle, retired functionary of the German Train enterprise, started 1960 breeding hardy and thornless roses. Many of his roses are planted in the Seppenrader rose garden.

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