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Lippiatt, William Edward
'Lippiatt, William Edward'  photo
Photo courtesy of Jocelyn
Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Jan 2025
64 Panama Road,
New Zealand
Edward Lippiatt (father of W. E. Lippiatt)

William Edward Lippiatt, son of Edward. Born 1863. died June 29 1941. (One of four brothers (George, William, T. and Fred Lippiatt)
W. E. Lippiatt married Jane Crook of Ireland. Jane died January 1941

Son: Walter Eric. Born Oct 15, 1892. Died November 9, 1916.
Son: George Edward Kenneth. Born 1894.
Son: Claude. Born 1897. Died May 5, 1917
Daughter: Constance Eleanor.
Daughter: May Alexandra.

Grandson of W. E. Lippiatt: Eric Bullen, disposed of the nursery plants and joined the army.

Agents for W. E. Lippiatt were:
Messrs. Nimmos and Blair, Dunedin.
Mr. W. Duncan, Alexandra

1906, Nov 6. Waikato Argus
Cambridge Rose Show. Mr. Lippiatt will stage over 1000 blooms which he will bring from his celebrated nursery at Otahuhu.

1911 King Country Chronicle
Horticultural Society. Mr. W. W. Lippiatt of Otahuhu, the well-known Auckland rose grower, informed the Society that he would bring a collection of six hundred rose blloms for exhibition [for the forthcoming show]

1955. Allen M. Hale. Pioneer Nurserymen of New Zealand
In a few years Edward Lippiatt was the foremost exhibitor of roses at all the Auckland Flower Shows, and he won many cups and trophies. Round about 1880 Edward Lippiatt sold his Mechanic's Bay property, and took up his residence at Otahuhu. At the turn of the century he retired, and the business was continued by his son, W. E. Lippiatt, who added the growing of grapes under glass to that of rose growing. Mr. Lippiatt was keenly interested in the growing of a variety of stocks on which to bud his roses. Finally, he was responsible for the production of a practically thornless rose stock to which he gave his own surname. Today Lippiatt's Nursery is owned by Mr. M. A. Welch, who is Chairman of the Auckland Council and Vice-President of the N.Z.
H.T.A. Quite recently the business has been renamed Sylvia Park Nurseries, a son becoming a partner. The nursery contains many of the original stocks selected and planted by the late Edward Lippiatt. The sloping, easterly aspect and freedom from frost makes the nursery ideal for the growing of young citrus trees, daphnes, hibiscus and bouvardias.

1983 New Zealand Rose Annual
p55. Ken J. Nobbs. The Lippiatts - Rose Breeders.....
....and several catalogues - 1913, 1914 and 1915 are in the library of the Auckland War Memorial Museum.
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