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Stegerhoek, Cornelis

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Rose Breeder  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Noordwijk, South Holland
Cornelis Jansz Stegerhoek (April 8, 1749 Noordwijk - February 8, 1829 Noordwijk)

[From Journal of a Horticultural Tour, 1823, p. 179-180:] ...the rose-gardens of Noordwyck are distinguished for their extent chiefly, and not for the number of varieties of rose-tree cultivated. The great object of the cultivators is the collecting of petals of the flowers, to be used in perfumery and in medicine....There are three extensive rose cultivators at Noordwyck; but the most distinguished is Mr. Cornelis Stegerhoek, who has, during the greater part of a long life, been engaged in this pleasing branch of rural economy...Mr. Stegerhoek has in his time raised many seedling rose-trees, and has selected from among them several which were remarkable for the variegation, beauty, or fulness of the flowers. These he at different times communicated to Messrs Lee and Kennedy of Hammersmith...

[From Rosetum Gallicum, by Narcisse Desportes, 1828, p. 124:] STEGERHOEK (Corneille) et Fils, à Nordwyck (Holl.).

[From Journal d'agriculture, 1829, p. 53] Nurserymen and fanciers who sell. ...Stegerhoek, at Noorddyk.

[From La Rose de France, by François Joyaux, p. 305:] Stegerhoek (Corneille), Nordwyck (Holland)
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