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Murrell, R.

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Rose Breeder and Discoverer  

Listing last updated on Wed Aug 2024
Rose Acre
Bedmond Hill
Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire
United Kingdom
[From Modern Roses 6, 1965, p. 304:] Murrell, R. Rose Acre, Bedmond Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Herts, England. *Captain Blood, Coral Cluster, Ena Harkness Cl., *Kyson, *Langley Gem [* introduction]

[From The Gardener's Chronicle, 1965, p. 304:] R. Murrell, Hemel Hempstead, brought fine blooms of the crimsonscarlet H.T. “Ena Harkness', golden-yellow floribunda “All Gold' and “Toni Lauder' rich salmon available as a halfstandard.

[From The Gardener's Chronicle, 1971, p. 5:] Mr Handover, trading as R. Murrell, at Rose Acre, Bedmont Hill, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, was well-known throughout the industry. Percy Ernest Handover, who was 64, entered the nursery business in 1945, when he took over Rose...
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