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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 14 MAY SHOW ALL
Initial post 14 AUG 22 by jmile
This is not a Florabunda. Mine does not bloom in clusters. It has large 5" single blooms. A new favorite of mine--but please reclassify it whoever has the power.
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 AUG 22 by jedmar
The nurseries offer it as a floribunda, with clustered blooms. Some of their photos show a few blooms together. Can you post photos?
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 AUG 22 by jmile
Just posted latest bloom.
Reply #3 of 4 posted 14 MAY by Benaminh
The hybridizer or introducer determines the class of the rose, not the admins of this website. Sometimes the assigned class seems arbitrary and illogical.
Reply #4 of 4 posted 14 MAY by jedmar
Yes, the plant patent is for a floribunda
most recent 12 APR SHOW ALL
Initial post 6 DEC by a_carl76
I believe that anyone who bought this from Heirloom Roses did not receive the correct variety. The picture posted by Deborah's Rose Garden is the "Spiced Coffee" we all obtained and it is no where close to the description. The color is more cream blending into a pink edge and definitely not a lavender shading into coffee.

Whatever it is, I think it is a good rose for my area (Iowa) - always in bloom, nicely shaped blooms, clustered, sets hips. The issue is it just is not what they sold it to be and they should stop selling it as Spiced Coffee. It would be nice to figure out what variety it is but my internet "research" has not come up with anything specific.
Reply #1 of 2 posted 6 DEC by Nastarana
How very sad. In all the years I ordered roses from the Clements I never received a mislabeled plant.
Reply #2 of 2 posted 12 APR by jmile
I have received several that were not like the original rose that I had years ago. This is just one of them. The other was Fire and Ice. They have the wrong Mother Plants.
most recent 14 FEB SHOW ALL
Initial post 26 JAN 12 by Grntrz5
How does this rose fare in cooler humid weather, or HOT humid weather? I see that it's fine in hot dry areas.
I'm in zone 5b where we get it all, and snow cover is not reliable.

I checked on J/P's website, they are not listing it currently.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 28 JAN 12 by Seil
grntrz, I have this rose in my garden in MI and it has wintered very well, with and without protection. It isn't the most vigorous rose in my garden but it has hung in there since it's introduction in 2006. It's very short at between 2 and 3 feet tall and it is slower to repeat and usually only gives me 3 flushes a season. It also will black spot for me. Humidity does not bother it as the blooms always open no matter how hot and humid it is. Blooms are about 3 inches in size, lovely shades of apricot but are not fragrant.
Reply #2 of 5 posted 28 JAN 12 by Grntrz5
Seil, thank you, it's good to know it does open with humidity-and the blooms are of some size in the hot part of summer. As for fragrance, I guess that's up to our genes! My husband can smell Tea roses, and so maybe this one has some of those notes in it as well.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 9 JAN by jmile
My Sisters At Heart rose has just started climbing my Maiten tree. It is in bloom now and has a lot of buds on it. Such a hardy rose.
Reply #4 of 5 posted 14 FEB by Harem On The Hill
sisters at heart does great in the cool foggy weather of San Francisco if that is helpful to know.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 14 FEB by Nastarana
That being the case, it would also be helpful to know the lineage.
most recent 17 DEC SHOW ALL
Initial post 5 SEP 17 by Puns 'n' Roses
Summer Song is a really special rose in a rare colour. That said, I really hate these secretive "seedling x seedling" statements. Mr Austin did not invent roses, he built upon the works of others, who themselves have been building upon the works of others for generations. Nobody can make me believe Mr Austin got Summer Song as a chance seedling with unknown parentage. By not disclosing the parentage, he wants to prevent others from going down the same road in hybridising.
Of course it's not only an Austin phenomenon, and part of my argument is vain because I can use Summer Song itself in hybridising, but I still find this kind of non-disclosure irritating to say the least.
Reply #1 of 3 posted 5 SEP 17 by StrawChicago Alkaline clay 5a
It would be fun to guess the parentage. I grow two own-root Pat Austin with shiny & glossy foliage, and I can see some Pat Austin in pictures of Summer Song's leaves. Pat is a water-hog and can't take full-sun & best in 4 hours of morning sun. Pat Austin has a mango scent (like Summer Song). Another rose that might be in Summer Song's parentage is Geranium Red (amazing scent & many petals, but wimpy).
The glossy-foliage like Summer Song and Pat Austin need alkaline minerals & shade and constant wetness more than others, in my experience of growing 110+ OWN-ROOT roses.
Reply #3 of 3 posted 17 DEC by jmile
I got my first Summer Song this year. We get very hot in the Summer in Zone 9B so I put it where it only got sun half day. It grew very listlessly. It produced some flowers but not much----so I moved it into full sun and heat----It loved it. It perked up and sent out new growth. I didn't water it a lot either---- it was adapt or die and it chose to adapt and it is looking a lot better. I am hoping that next year will be even a better year in full sun and hot weather. I got two more young plants this Fall so I will experiment. Maybe graft it onto Fortuniana to see how that goes.
Reply #2 of 3 posted 5 SEP 17 by Nastarana
The habit of not disclosing parentage is particularly annoying for us who garden in difficult climates because it prevents us from studying lineages to help us determine whether a cultivar can thrive in our climate and soil conditions. It does help a little to know in which of his five categories Austin places his roses, but even that information is not always or often included in nursery descriptions.
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