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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Michał Babilas
most recent 17 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 AUG 14 by Michał Babilas
A sad miscast in my garden. Very strong growth, well in excess of 2 metres, outgrowing all other Austins. Not sufficiently blackspot resistant (2/5). Flowers relatively small with a nasty tendency to ball out at rainy weather. Also, given the size of the plant, not really a prolific bloomer.
Reply #1 of 1 posted 17 AUG 14 by Nastarana
I also did not like Mayor of Castorbridge in California. I had thought it might be better suited to a colder and damper climate, but evidently not. In my yard it grew tall and thin, the flowers, sparsely produced, were pretty enough, but hidden among the stems and foliage.
most recent 15 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 AUG 14 by Michał Babilas
Strong and healthy. Above average blackspot resistance (4/5). It seems, however, that the green growth comes at the expense of flowering - not necessarily the most spontaneous bloomer, yet the flowers are spectacular in size and fragrance. Needs space and patience.
most recent 15 AUG 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 15 AUG 14 by Michał Babilas
Very late starter. Every Spring I fear whether it survived as it remains leafless while all others are well under way. It always starts as the last one, but by mid May catches up with the rest. Shiny and relatively healthy foliage. Blackspot resistance 3/5. The only solution to the problem of weak necks and nodding flowers is to let it grow bigger than normally (by forgetting to prune).
most recent 20 JUL 14 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 20 JUL 14 by Michał Babilas
ADR stands for Algemeine Deutsche Rosenneuheitenprüfung (General German Testing of New Roses) not for "Anerkannte Deutsche Rose". Please see the web page: for the explanation of this abbreviation. Please also note that the German wikipedia gives an erroneous definition (as opposed to the English one).

See the official ADR pamphlet:
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