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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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most recent 27 FEB 10 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 FEB 09 by cyra
what a truely wonderful colour! how long will it take to evalute it? I can't wait! :-)
Reply #1 of 4 posted 14 FEB 10 by Paul Barden
I expect I will grow it another two years before I make any decisions about its long term merit. Glad you like it!
Reply #2 of 4 posted 15 FEB 10 by Jeff Britt
The flowers remind me of Tradescant, a rose that Austin released without any hesitation. That said, Tradescant was a rather miserable grower for me, with rather weak and floppy canes. It did flower well, but the blooms browned horribly in the rather tepid sun of San Francisco. I can't imagine how they would fare in a hotter climate. Despite this rather dubious performance, Tradescant sold well for a number of years before being withdrawn from the market. Sometimes flower color trumps everything. I bet you'd find many folks willing to trial this rose for you, me included!
Reply #3 of 4 posted 20 FEB 10 by Paul Barden
Its no coincidence that it has 'Tradescant' as a grandparent. :-)
Reply #4 of 4 posted 27 FEB 10 by matt N
w0w!! I love the look of this rose. I can't wait to try it. WHat a looker.
most recent 24 OCT 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 16 FEB 09 by cyra
this one isn't in commerce yet either, is it?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 24 OCT 09 by Paul Barden
no, its not. It is used as a breeding plant only and will not be distributed commercially. It has major flaws :-(
most recent 7 MAR 09 SHOW ALL
Initial post 15 FEB 09 by cyra
where will this wonderful rose be available?
Reply #1 of 8 posted 15 FEB 09 by Paul Barden
This is still a test variety and it will be at least two years before it will be considered for commercial availability. Thanks for asking.

Reply #2 of 8 posted 16 FEB 09 by cyra
thanks for replying. I admire your dark red old-rose breeds. Rook is in commerce, but still not available (out of stock at Rogue Valley Roses) - is there any other chance to get hold of any of your wunderful breeds?
Reply #3 of 8 posted 16 FEB 09 by Paul Barden
Hello Cyra,
At this time, Rogue Valley Roses is the sole distributor for my hybrids. 'Rook' is one that was released as a Special Edition variety this year and will probably only be available in limited numbers from year to year. I suggest you email me with some information about your location and cultural conditions and you might be eligible as a test garden for some of my newer hybrids.

paul at agora dot rdrop dot com
(you know how to put that together as a functioning email address)
Reply #4 of 8 posted 17 FEB 09 by cyra
thanks a lot, Paul, I will e-mail you soon!
Reply #5 of 8 posted 17 FEB 09 by HMF Admin

When you want to pass along contact information like your email address it's best to switch to the "private message" facility. Click on the member's name to go to their member page and them use the private message button to send them an email with information you would prefer be keep private - like you email address.
Reply #6 of 8 posted 18 FEB 09 by Paul Barden
Thanks for that tip. I wasn't concerned too much about privacy, though; that is a very public email address. :-)
Reply #7 of 8 posted 20 FEB 09 by cyra
I wrote a mail to this adress, I hope you have received it.

Reply #8 of 8 posted 7 MAR 09 by cyra
Paul, have you received my e-mail about possible test-garden?
most recent 25 OCT 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 25 OCT 08 by jedmar
This is not what I would call pink. Is Jäger wrong, or Sangerhausen?
Reply #1 of 1 posted 25 OCT 08 by cyra
No. It is a rather dark, somewhat blueish red. The color is pretty close in the photo.It is a rather unusual color for a rambler. It grows next to a large Euterpe, I don't know the sector-number, sorry. I checked carefully for the label, since the rose interested me, due to it's color. There was no other label anywhere close. There also wasn't any similar rambler close by.
Since it is a rose bred in CSSR, and Sangerhausen probabely had good access to buy it, I guess that it is rather Jäger, who is wrong in this case.
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