Artificial pollination was completed on more than 20 flowers per plant. The flowers were kept in the paper bags for about two weeks. When the hips (fruits) were ripened, the numbers of hips and seed sets were determined. Seed set per hip was calculated by dividing the total number of pistils into fertile seeds. Pollen fertility of selfed plants was determined by examining the stainability with 2.0% acetocarmine solution of more than 500 pollen grains from several flowers.
Calling all organic gardners... The ever-pragmatic John Starnes Jr. is back with this article about... well, you'll just have to read it, won't you. John can make ANY subject interesting and entertaining.
This brief video from Ashdown Roses is an introduction to a series of pruning videos. They have provided separate videos with plant appropriate instruction for different bush-type roses as well as climbers. It begins by explaining the two primary ways bush roses grow so you can identify them in your garden and choose the best video for your needs and desired result. You will find each of Paul's videos informative and entertaining at the same time.