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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Silvia D.
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Photos photo courtesy of Belle Epoque
Showgarden Belle Epoque 2012
4 favorite votes.  
Adélaide d'Orléans photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Johno
Mottisfont Abbey, UK
1 favorite vote.  
Photos photo courtesy of orsola
RHS Wisley 2013.06.06
1 favorite vote.  
Adélaide d'Orléans photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Johno
Mottisfont Abbey, UK
1 favorite vote.  
<i>R. villosa</i> photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Johno
Sissinghurst Castle, UK
1 favorite vote.  
Agnes photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Rosaplant
Photo taken in the rosenursery Rosaplant, 2019
1 favorite vote.  
<i>Rosa moyesii</i> 'Geranium' photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Jay-Jay
2019-05-28 Backyard.
1 favorite vote.  
Aimée Vibert photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Moonfall
June 2015
3 favorite votes.  
<I>Rosa woodsii </I>var<I> fendleri</I> photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of o-planten
Photo taken in my nursery.
1 favorite vote.  
Aimée Vibert photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of jannorcal
Sacramento Historic Rose Garden, Old City Cemetery November 2009 One of the roses original to the 1850s era cemetery. Thought to be the bush form of Aimee Vibert.
6 favorite votes.  
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