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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Callisto 10b
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Bleu Magenta photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Old Rose Lover
See my comments under my whole plant photo. A group of two blooms taken June 6, plant hadn't come into full flowering yet. Z5a.
3 favorite votes.  
Clytemnestra photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Kit
Valley Village, California April, 2014
1 favorite vote.  
Bleu Magenta photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Maddalena Piccinini
Blu Magenta in my garden. Arcello, North Italy, May 2014
6 favorite votes.  
Erinnerung an Brod photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Hedgerow Rose
Photo with an "antiqued" filter
9 favorite votes.  
Bleu Magenta photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Old Rose Lover
Started as a band 3 years ago, put main cane behind the trellis, gets huge and spills forward over the top of the trellis and trails. Good choice for Z5a, small tip dieback, gets 4-5 hours of morning sun, does well in part shade. Started as a band 3 yrs ago, getting huge year 3. This rose will grow fast, once it decides to take off, already encroaching laterally. Z5a. Taken June 15.
11 favorite votes.  
Fimbriata photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of miss nomer
South Australia
6 favorite votes.  
Boule de Neige photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of roseromantic
Magdolna's garden in Mezőkovácsháza,Hungary.
1 favorite vote.  
Gros Choux d'Hollande photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of orsola
Mottisfont Abbey Rose Gardens, England 25 May 2014
5 favorite votes.  
Boule de Neige photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of The Old Rosarian
4 favorite votes.  
Jaune Desprez photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of CybeRose
The Botanic Garden plate (1878) T. 166, fig. 5 Jaune Desprez "It is, most probably, a hybrid between the Yellow Chinese and a Noisette Rose of some kind;
1 favorite vote.  
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