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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
Nola Z5a WI
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Lady Emma Hamilton photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of markiz41
3 favorite votes.  
Like No Other photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
09 MAY 2021
1 favorite vote.  
Lady Emma Hamilton photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Naoto The Obscure ®
Cut from my garden, then arranged in a marmalade jar - England, June 2011
11 favorite votes.  
Q photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of thebig-bear
1 favorite vote.  
Lady Emma Hamilton photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of HonzaPM
Czech Republic, my garden in zone 5b, 30.7.2012
7 favorite votes.  
Queen of Elegance ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of erictton
1 favorite vote.  
Lady Emma Hamilton photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Arlekino
10.06.2012. France
19 favorite votes.  
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