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Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
The red bush is a well-cared-for Dr. Huey which I inherited when moving to this house some 25 years ago. Been taking good care of the Dr. for about 4 years now.
1 favorite vote.  
Uploaded 2 JUL 23
St. Patrick ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Zone 5b, photo taken 9-6-22
Uploaded 9 SEP 22
Playboy rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Uploaded 2 JUL 23
Perfectly Red ™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
great garden rose which can have nice form as well
Uploaded 6 SEP 22
Love's Promise™ rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Uploaded 2 JUL 23
Kristen Singer rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Here is my Kristen Singer plant, showing the upright growth habit. Note the size/thickness of the two canes on the left side of the bush where a cut flower was taken into the house to enjoy
Uploaded 6 SEP 22
Kristen Singer rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Here's a good pic of the blooms on Kristen Singer. Pic taken with iPhone at 8 am - dew not yet burned off
Uploaded 14 SEP 22
Louise Estes rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of MADActuary
Photo taken 9-3-22 in my zone 5b garden
Uploaded 6 SEP 22
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