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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
and everything gardening related.
DRH Dave
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Scentsational ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Bob_71
One of the few highly fragrant minis. Matures into a very fine fully open bloom that extends the life cycle. A very prolific bloomer.
1 favorite vote.  
White Delight photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Rupert, Kim L.
Encino, CA November, 2010
2 favorite votes.  
Scentsational ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Bob_71
3 favorite votes.  
White Delight photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Rupert, Kim L.
Encino, CA September, 2010
4 favorite votes.  
Sweet Promise ™ photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of anonymous-4084
From The Internet -
3 favorite votes.  
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