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19 FEB 20
I've finally identified the mystery miniature rose that survived along the garage. It's Irresistible. I recognized the name as one I had purchased in the past and the photos and descriptions fit. It is a good size and appears plenty healthy. Once the weeds were cleared away, it got more sun and the generous watering from this year's storms it is blooming away. In the clean up I found a tag for one of the miniatures that I've lost over the years. Luvvie. Really too bad. Beautiful rose and no longer available. So many of Dee Bennett's Tiny Petals roses have been lost over the years after the nursery closed. Really a pity. Not just hers but many of the other miniature rose breeders. There are a few available only in Canada that cannot be shipped to the U.S. Some are listed for nurseries that are now closed or if you check their current lists they no longer breed that particular one. So many out of stock. It's sad.
30 JAN 20
My order arrived from Rogue Valley Nursery.

Swalk will be planted in the southeast corner of the front to grow up the fence. Very close to SnowFire. I'll have to wait for it to get a lot bigger in hopes the dog doesn't kill it.

Tattooed Lady might be planted along the walk in the front. I think I'll wait for it to bloom first.

Old Master is a red. It is supposed to be able to tolerate a bit of shade so it will go in the back in the "red planter."

The mystery rose remains a mystery. I'll need to wait for it to bloom to identify it. Why Rogue Valley doesn't do that, I don't know. Not enough room? Too impatient? Don't have the time? I don't really care. It was free.
30 JAN 20
Swalk climber arrived Rogue Valley Nursery. Will be planted along south fence in front yard to deter Diana from barking at pedestrians and to block my view of the neighbor's front "parking lot."
30 JAN 20
Arrived from Rogue Valley Nursery. Will be planted along south fence next to Mr. Lincoln.
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