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Roses, Clematis and Peonies
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Ray Martin
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Ann Bird garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Ray Martin
Ann with Anne and Ron Niblett at the RNRS Autumn Show in Harrogate 2004
Racy Lady rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ray Martin
Ann Bird garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Ray Martin
Ann and RNRS National Champion, Tony Bracegirdle Miniature Show 2004
1 favorite vote.  
Bonsoir rose photo
Rose photo courtesy of Ray Martin
bowl of 12 bonsoir exhibited by tony bracegirdle 2004
3 favorite votes.  
Royal National Rose Society society photo
Society photo courtesy of Ray Martin
The new garden layout.
Monet's Garden at Giverny garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Ray Martin
Royal National Rose Society society photo
Society photo courtesy of Ray Martin
The Edland Pavilion which will form part of the new garden and terrace area. Surrounding garden has been sterilized awaiting new roses to be planted in 2006.
5 favorite votes.  
Monet's Garden at Giverny garden photo
Garden photo courtesy of Ray Martin
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