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ARDominic photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Barden, Paul
Photo copyright Paul Barden, All Rights Reserved.
1 favorite vote.  
Green Diamond photos photo
San Juan Capistrano, California - May 17, 2010.
2 favorite votes.  
Captain Thomas photos photo
4 favorite votes.  
Joanna Hill photos photo
1 favorite vote.  
Crescendo photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of IrishRose17
Photo taken by Charlie Brannon in August 2014 in the rose garden of Pam Powers - ARF President. Photo submitted to ARS for National Photo Contest. Took Best of Show for Single Bloom Photo in Colonial District Rose Show in August 2014
3 favorite votes.  
Just Joey photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of yarnover
Portland International Test Rose Garden, 17 June 2008.
3 favorite votes.  
Crescendo photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of S&W Greenhouse, Inc.
1 favorite vote.  
Léonie Lamesch photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of Nadene
Leonie Lamesch. Photo by N. Edwards, taken on February 24, 2021 (Summer). Site no. SG53 I10. Rex Hazlewood Garden, Old Parliament House Gardens, Canberra, Australia.
1 favorite vote.  
Dorcas photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of AmiRoses
3 favorite votes.  
Smoky photos photo
Photos photo courtesy of aprille
2 favorite votes.  
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