A 'Scentimental' planted in 1997, in this exact spot. It's 28 years old this winter. This is a photo after its Fall hedge trim in November and its Spring hand pruning today. I took this pre-pruning photo to show its structure at maturity, and to show it has vigor. So if yours is being rough, it could be the climate, niche, or something cultural going on. It definitely does not lack vigor. It is also one of my favorite roses ever. I have two other stages of its growth oh HMF from later dates.
Photo taken March 7th, 2023
Flowers often on 1:5 metre long canes. Cyclone Alfred is approaching so I cut the plant back to avoid wind damage. Autumn in Australia.
Perhaps the Lady Mary Fitzwilliam after whom the rose is named? From the memoirs of Sir Seymour Fortescue 'Looking Back' (1919) facing page 152 (detail). Photo circa 1886.