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'Rouletii' rose References
Book  (1993)  Page(s) 226.  
A single miniature China had been introduced from Canton in around 1800 but was believed to be lost. However, in 1917, it or its descendant was rediscovered growing in pots on a window-sill in Switzerland, and named 'Rouletii' after its finder. Soon it was being used for hybridizing by one or two breeders, notably Pedro Dot in Spain.
Book  (1991)  Page(s) 9.  
Pompon de Paris and Rouletii are so alike -- bright pink, hardy and easy to grow -- that they have frequently been confused with each other... The difference is that 'Pompon de Paris' tends to grow much leggier than 'Rouletii'...

Surely the truth was written by the man who eventually introduced it, Henri Correvan [sic. The name used by Monsieur Correvon was Henry Correvon]:
"My friend, Colonel Roulet, infomred me that he has a potted midget rose bush which grew on the window-ledge of a cottage at Mauborjet [Switzerland]. He told me that the rose bush had been grown in the pot for a century, that it bloomed from one end of the summer to the other, that it was absolutely dwarf and that it had belonged to the same family for the last 150 years. He offered to give me some branches for rooting." Correvan succeded in propagating it and goes on: "I realized this was an interesting variety. That was in 1917, and in 1920, we were in a position to deliver certain quantities." The little pink rose was soon the rage of the market place, and, in considertion of his friend's find, Correvan named it R. rouletii or, as the name should be, 'Rouletii'.

.Jan de Vink crossed 'Rouletii' with the orange-scarlet Polyantha 'Gloria Mundi', a red hybrid Rugosa from 1918, 'F.J. Grootendorst', and a Hybrid Tea of unknown parentage... one of the roses that was produced was crimson with a white centre and named 'Peon'.
Book  (1988)  Page(s) 17.  
('Yu Ling Long'; 'Exquisite Jade') low and spreading … rosettes of 20 petals. .. Perhaps that is the nearest we shall now discover to the lost R. chinensis minima, ancestor of all true Miniatures… A few survived in Switzerland … [named for] their discoverer, Rouletii. All modern true miniatures come from them.
Book  (1985)  Page(s) 133.  
It was so named after Colonel Roulet, a medical officer in the Swiss Army; he obtained it in the Jura, from the village of Mauborget, where the villagers grew it in pots on their window ledges... In 1917 Colonel Roulet had given some stems to a friend of his in Geneva, a plantsman named Henri Correvon. Correvon was able to supply plants from 1920, and he named it 'Rouletii'. Fifteen years later, Ralph Moore first saw the wonderful little rose, and held his future reputation in his hands...
Book  (1984)  Page(s) 155-156.  
Rosa chinensis ‘Minima’ /Rosa chinensis var minima (Sims) Voss /Rosa indica pumila Thory/ Rosa lawranceana Sweet /Rosa indica minima Bean /Rosa indica humilis Ser./ Rosier bijou /Rosier du Bengale nain/ Rosier du Bengale pompon /Rosier de Miss Lawrance /Rosier pompon – en anglais Fairy Rose. 25 à 50cm de haut. Fleurs: 3cm de diamètre. Ce petit rosier frêle, aux tiges grêles, donnent de petites fleurs simples, légèrement doubles, selon le type, d’un rose pâle, de juin aux gelées. Ses origines sont confuses. Qu’il s’agisse d’un hybride entre un Rosa chinensis et Rosa gigantea, cela est très plausible. Qu’il soit né en Angleterre en 1805, cela l’est aussi… mais de graines venues d’où? Un des parents supposés, Rosa gigantea, est en effet arrivé en Europe en 1889 seulement. On dit aussi qu’il est venu de l’île Maurice (alors appelé Île de France), en 1810. Cela est plus probable car, depuis longtemps, cette île était visitée par les Chinois qui avaient très bien pu amener des rosiers de leur pays. Il n’est pas du tout impossible que le botaniste A.-P. de Candolle ait reçu Rosa chinensis ‘Minima’ de l’île Maurice, et qu’il l’ait cultivé et répandu dans le Jura suisse. Cent ans après, en 1917, le major Roulet trouve dans cette même région, un minuscule rosier, dans un pot, sur l’appui d’une fenêtre d’auberge, à Mauberget. Henri Correvon, qui habite tout près, est alerté… mais le village brûle! Heureusement, dans les environs, Henri Correvon trouve un rosier identique et en obtient des boutures. Il le diffusera, à partir de 1925, sous le nom de Rosa rouletii (voir p160). On a longtemps supposé que ‘Rouletii’ était une mutation directe de Rosa chinensis ‘Minima’; mais comme il a donné une fois, par réversion, Rosa chinensis ‘Pumila’, il y a tout lieu de penser qu’il procède de ce Rosa chinensis ‘Pumila’. Où et quand exactement s’était produite cette réversion? On le saura sans doute jamais.
Website/Catalog  (1982)  Page(s) 35.  
Rosa Rouletti 1815. Fleurs mi-doubles, rose hermosa.
Book  (1981)  Page(s) 77.  
Leaflets ¼ to ¾ in. long...Flowers very double, rosy pink, produced in erect clusters.
Nothing is known of the origin of 'Rouletii'. It is one of the pygmy forms of R. chinensis, and Boulenger suggested that it was the original 'Pumila'. Graham Stuart Thomas hs noted that in fact it reverts to 'Pumila', of which it must therefore be a mutation, rather than the original form.
'Rouletii' is the parent of a new race of miniature roses....
Book  (1978)  Page(s) 135.  
`Rouletii’ Shortest   Pink  Remontant    P1   H1 
Some people say this is 'Pompon de Paris', but it does not look the same to me. It has an interesting history, and became the key to  modern Miniatures. It appears that when  the trade for Miniatures in pots died out,  the Miniatures very  nearly disappeared too, for they were of no great interest to gardeners in those days. They came to light again about 1918, in Switzerland, when a Swiss Army Medical Officer named Roulet saw plants of this variety in pots in a Swiss village. The villagers reckoned the rose had been in the village for a century. It was retrieved from the village of Onnens by Henri Correvon, a plantsman of Geneva, upon Roulet' s report. Correvon introduced it in 1922, as R. rouletii;  it is often spelt wrongly, with a double 't'. Of course it had no claim to naming as a species.   It is a very short plant, rather crimped if you ask me, with pink double flowers. There seems little doubt that it had been acquired in the days when flower shops sold Miniatures in pots, and that cuttings had been passed around among the people of at least two villages. The 'century' was no doubt an exaggeration, but on the other hand it is obviously considerably senior to its date of introduction. The fact that stands is this: but for Colonel Roulet and M. Correvon, there would be no Miniatures today.
Website/Catalog  (1960)  Page(s) 20.  
ROSA ROULETTI (Introducteur Correnan 1900). Plante curieuse de 10 à 15 cm. de haut, très compacte, bouton rose vif petit, de jolie forme. Très florifère.
Website/Catalog  (1958)  Page(s) 33.  
Fairy or Miniature Roses. Rouletti Semi-double. Bright pink. 
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