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Article (newsletter) published Jun 2010.

Authored by

Yong-hong Hu. & Chang-Hua Jiang & Jian Li. & Kang Ye.

Chinese Old Roses are the precious heritage of China with good qualities and rich connotation. They experienced two rises and falls in history, and many cultivars got lost in the periods of the Opium War and Cultural Revolution. Luckily, nearly 100 old cultivars survived. China is quite backward in rose breeding, with distinct regional differences, Beijing and Yunnan being the centres of rose breeding in China. Chinese old roses are not sufficiently valued in the breeding of new cultivars; basic scientific efforts are being strengthened in a wide range of crosses and diverse breeding techniques are being used. However, there are few new cultivars with proprietary property rights. The disjunction between production and breeding resulted in the serious shortage of rose breeding in China and was the important restraining factor of new cultivar introductions.

Article (newsletter) published Oct 1998 by American Rose Society.

Authored by

Kitty Belendez

3 favorite votes.  

Article (newsletter) published 2001 by Sequoia Nursery.

Authored by

Ralph Moore

9 favorite votes.  

Article (newsletter) published Aug 2014.

Authored by

Darrell G. H. Schramm

Article (newsletter).

Authored by

Donald Robert Smith

Don Smith edits and publishes Paeonia which you can find on the Internet at
Paeonia is an international newsletter for peony hybridizers. It is published quarterly. Paeonia was started in 1970 by Silvia Saunders (daughter of Prof. A. P. Saunders) and has been been published continuously ever since.

18 favorite votes.  

Article (newsletter) published 18 Dec 1894.

Authored by

A. K. Smiley

Article (newsletter) published 2011.

Authored by

Rayford Clayton Reddell

7 favorite votes.  

Article (newsletter) published Apr 2022.

Authored by

Don Gers

Published in the "Historic Rose Journal", No. 63, Spring 2022 issue, pp. 21-29

Article (newsletter) published 4 Sep 1996 by Royal National Rose Society.

Authored by

Rosemary Foster

12 favorite votes.  

Article (newsletter) published 1997 by Canadian Rose Annual.

Authored by

Michael Gibson

4 favorite votes.  

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