One or more site guests believe this photo is incorrectly labeled or inaccurate !
I believe this photo is incorrect or inaccurate, i.e. not Pearl Meidiland.
Karin, it does help to briefly mention why you think the photo incorrect. But I am inclined to agree with you. I purchased a ‘Pearl Meidiland’ with a pinkish tinge years ago and put it in a prominent place. Eventually when I saw it retained its old petals, I removed it to a much-less prominent position where it lived for a few years and then died. This photo from David seems too white.
#2 of 2 posted
13 JUL 19 by
Karin P.
Hi Patricia,
Thanks for your comment, much appreciated. I believe it is inaccurate based on the color as you mention (no pinkish tinge), also because it has fewer petals, does not look like the 2 Pearl Meidilands that I own (for 20 years), nor like any of the other pics posted.