PhotoComments & Questions 
Star Magic  rose photo courtesy of Robert Neil Rippetoe
Discussion id : 23-837
most recent 30 JAN 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 29 JAN 08 by Auntie_S
Robert--My nephew in WA is an amateur rose hybridizer and has been interested in some of the new Hy. Bracteatas. Is Star Magic in that line, and how does it perform in your garden. The bloom color is intriguing, and those stamens!!!! Are they as good as they appear in photos or do they fade fast. Does this rose set seed readily?

Thanks for any help you can offer.

Reply #1 of 4 posted 30 JAN 08 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Hi Sally. Is your Nephew named Michael?

'Star Magic' does not make hips easily and when it does, the seed hasn't germinated so far. The blossoms are not long lived.

'Star Magic' is reported to be tetraploid so it should combine with modern roses. I have used it successfully as pollen parent.

Reply #2 of 4 posted 30 JAN 08 by Auntie_S
HI Robert--

Thank you for the information on Star Magic! I appreciate you taking the time to answer my question. I thought I had sent a reply to you last night, but when I didn't see it here on HMF this morning, I thought perhaps I clicked the cancel button by accident when I went to send it to you. Another senior moment, no doubt :-0

My nephew's name is Robert also. He lives just about as far northwest as you can go without getting into Canada or the ocean, and has a troop of young children ages 4 to 12 who assist him in his hybridizing program. This little team makes several hundred crosses each year and Rob is having some interesting results from them.

I enjoy looking for something interesting to add to his gene pool from time to time & would love any other suggestions you might have for the unusual--especially anything that isn't currently being used much by others, but may have potential.

Again, thank you for your time.

Reply #3 of 4 posted 30 JAN 08 by Robert Neil Rippetoe
Hi Sally, your Nephew sounds like a fascinating person, with a great name! lol

I highly encourage him to try using the hybrid bracteatas in hybridizing. Ralph Moore always extolled the virtues of his rose, 'Out of Yesteryear', especially as pollen parent. I have not utilized it as yet. I have preferred to use other descendants for now.

I have had some success with 'Star Dust' as pollen parent. 'Precious Dream' is also fertile as pollen parent and sometimes as seed parent.

Happy hybridizing! I'd be happy to chat with your Nephew about rose breeding any time.

Thanks, Robert
Reply #4 of 4 posted 30 JAN 08 by Auntie_S
Thank you Robert! Yes! it is a nice name--it is also my Dad's name and now is shared by Rob's oldest son as a middle name.

I think Rob just acquired O of Y, and I just purchased Precious Dream for him as a Christmas gift via Sequoia. I will mention Star Dust to him, and also your kind offer to discuss rose breeding. Roses are his passion (in fact they seem to be in our family blood--his brother as well as his Aunt are also affected), but with a young family to raise, and a home business to run, roses have to take second place for his time currently.

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