PhotoComments & Questions 
Discussion id : 24-757
most recent 16 MAR 08 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 13 MAR 08 by Auntie_S
Hi Beth--I am considering purchasing Irish Hope. How does it do in your garden--good foliage?Good bloom repeat?Disease resistant? Thanks for your time providing me with this information.
--Sally Love
Reply #1 of 2 posted 14 MAR 08 by Beth's Northern CA Rose Garden
Hi Sally,
IRISH HOPE is an excellent rose. It blooms like crazy, and with tons of roses in each flush. The foliage is a nice shiny dark green, and gets little to no disease. My plant gets really tall. It peaks out at about 6½ft. I can't remember if there's any scent. But anyway, I would highly recommend it!
Reply #2 of 2 posted 16 MAR 08 by Auntie_S
Thanks so much Beth--I always appreciate your input & will probably be adding this rose to my garden! Looks lovely & sounds like a real performer as well.

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