PhotoComments & Questions 
Eden  rose photo courtesy of member Janine Arlette
Discussion id : 72-489
most recent 26 JUN 13 HIDE POSTS
Initial post 21 JUN 13 by Jay-Jay
This-one looks similar to Eden Romantica the florist rose. And not like the Eden I know.
Reply #1 of 5 posted 21 JUN 13 by Janine Arlette
Hello Jay-Jay,
this is one flower and one bud of the plant that is climbing in a little tree -> see my other Eden photos. I thought this flower was extraordinarly beautiful so I posted her photo.
Greetings from Germany
Reply #2 of 5 posted 21 JUN 13 by Jay-Jay
It is special!!!
Maybe a sport? The other photo's of the roses of that plant of Eden look right.
I would like to suggest, that You keep and follow the cane on which it grows.
Maybe, when it is consistently different from the original, some-one might bud it for You... And maybe share it.
I like the look of Eden Romantica:
It also has greenish petals and a HT bud, like Yours.
Your garden is developing well.

At first, it almost hurt me (due to my background), when the old fruittrees in Your garden were chopped down, but You're developing Your plot in a real rose-eden! My compliments.
Schönen Gruß aus Nederland.
Reply #3 of 5 posted 21 JUN 13 by Janine Arlette
At first: thank you so much for your compliments for my garden :)
I know it is confusing but I have two gardens that are situated very close to eachother.
The one with the old fruit-trees is still at its beginning. The trees were all very old and didn't bring any fruits anymore- Therefore I decided to remove them. I kept the wood, however, and surrounded the garden with it in order to host insects as we hardly have any bees this year in Baden-Baden. I hope to attract them by keeping all old wood.
Also I have already planted roses in this new garden but haven't taken many pictures of them as they were only planted in May this year. Dany Hahn and Pink Skyliner are the only ones you will find in my photo gallery so far. But of course I will keep you all updated :)

The "old" garden of which are all pictures that show green grass and blooming roses has been in my possesion for 2 years and it is quite large. All roses are still developing and trying to establish a root system that is able to nuture them throughout the year.
I am not exactly sure what you mean by "keeping the cane".
Do you suggest to cut it off in order to generate a new plant of it?
Or do you suggest to keep it growing where it is right now?
Would you like me to cut it and send it to you?
I am only adoring the beauty of my roses and am not into breeding them or taking care of them in a scientific way.
So if you would like to have it, it will be my pleasure to send it to you at any time you think it was good to ship it.
Have a great weekend in the Netherlands
Reply #4 of 5 posted 21 JUN 13 by Jay-Jay
You're welcome,
Your Journal is written like literature and a pleasure to read.
And yes, I didn't recall the difference between the two gardens, but You wrote about them.

By keeping the cane(on which that flower blooms) I meant: Please do not prune that-one and look if there will be more flowers like these two.
Eden Romantica is a florist rose... so most likely not suitable for our climate.
It would be nice that a climber exists with such a flowers.

Thank You for offering me, to send this-one to me, but at first it would be good to follow the progress of these flowers, if they stay different from the normal Eden while opening.
I could propagate this-one for You too (or one of Your liking of my garden), if You would send me budwood, but that could be discussed in a PM and or direct mail (in German).
Auch ein schönes Wochenende wünscht Ihnen J.J.
Reply #5 of 5 posted 26 JUN 13 by Jay-Jay
My rose is showing the same greenish buds now, might be due to the too cold weather.
It is not likely to be a sport, but a habit of this rose.
So there is no need to exchange budwood.... But thanks anyway, for offering!
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