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'Lady Seton' rose References
Book  (8 Mar 1970)  Page(s) 127.  
Lady Seton [One of Harry Wheatcroft's selections of the Best Hybrid Teas.] Description... medium pink... can be of exhibition quality... British awards: Certificate of Merit and the Clay Cup for the best Fragrant-scented rose of 1964.
Book  (1968)  Page(s) 62.  
Belle Winnett, Napier. My Pride and Joy. ….but this year the only new one I brought was ‘Lady Seton’ which I hope lives up to its reputation as being the winner of the Clay Cup for the best scented rose, as well as McGredy’s top hybrid tea for 1967.
Book  (1967)  Page(s) 182.  
Langbecker Roses Pty. Ltd., Queensland. (advertisement) 
Lady Seton
Magazine  (Feb 1966)  Page(s) 1. trimester, p. 21,22.  
p. 21: Liste des 18 variétés de rosiers DENOMMEES, lauréates des concours de roses en 1965 ....
Lady Seton, H.T., - Mc Gredy, Irlande du Nord, Certificat pour la rose la plus odorante - La Haye

p. 22: Le Concours de Roses en Europe en 1965 ....
MADRID : 20 Mai 1965 ...— 5ème Certificat : « LADY » - Obt SAN Mc GREEDY (Irl. Nord)
LA HAYE : 14 septembre 1965 ....- Certificat de Parfum LADY SETOU - HT - Obt. Mc GREDY (Irl.)
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 32.  Includes photo(s).
‘Lady Seton’ (HT). ‘Ma Perkins’ x ‘Mischief’. Raised by S. McGredy IV (Portadown, Northern Ireland. Photo by Courtesy of the Royal National Rose Society of Great Britain.
Book  (1966)  Page(s) 167.  
p167 'Lady Seton'. Second Certificate, Madrid, 1965

p168 'Lady Seton' Certificate for the most fragrant variety. The Hague, 1965

p201 Sam McGredy Roses Ltd. advertisement. 'Lady Seton'. Hybrid Tea. Raised by Sam McGredy IV. Tall. Very fragrant pink with good flower shape and a fine plant habit. An excellent garden rose which is also first rate for arrangement.
Magazine  (Aug 1965)  Page(s) 3. trimester, p. 26.  
5ème CERTIFICAT à la rose « LADY », obtenteur et présentateur : SAM Mc CREDY
Book  (1965)  Includes photo(s).
p32 Photo 'Lady Seton'.

p165. The Northern Rose Show. Among their [McGredy's] new hybrid teas were 'Lady Seton', the offspring of 'Ma Perkins' and 'Mischief', a strongly scented pink, which has since won the Clay Vase and been awarded a Certificate of Merit.

p176 The Trial Ground 1964. The Clay Vase was awarded to a variety from McGredy which he has named 'Lady Seton', who is better known to many as Julia Clements. This variety was a worthy winner and amply conformed to the condition of being the best British new scented rose.

p177 Awards to New Roses in 1964. The Clay Challenge Vase and Certificlate of Merit went to:
'Lady Seton' (HT) 'Ma Perkins' x 'Mischief'. Trial ground No. 457, Reg. No. 934. Raiser S. McGredy IV. Distributor: S. McGredy & Son Ltd., N. Ireland. Good, vigorous, bushy growth with plentiful medium-sized mid-green foliage, 4 feet. Blooms (45 petals) well shaped in bud, of medium size opening to 3 1/2 inches across. Requires disbudding to obtain quality flowers. Colour clear rose pink, which lasts well. General effect good. Very fragrant.
Book  (1965)  Includes photo(s).
p32. Photo. ‘Lady Seton’.

p177 Awards to New Roses in 1964. The Clay Challenge Vase and Certificate of Merit went to:
‘Lady Seton’ (HT) ‘Ma Perkins’ x ‘Mischief’. Trial Ground No. 457. Reg. No. 934. Raiser: S. McGredy IV. Distributor: S. McGredy & Son Ltd., N. Ireland. Good, vigorous, bushy growth with plentiful medium-sized mid-green foliage, 4 feet. Blooms (45 petals) well shaped in bud, of medium size opening to 3 ½ - 4 inches across. Requires disbudding to obtain quality flowers. Colour clear rose pink, which last well. General effect good. Very fragrant.
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