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'President Hoover' rose References
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 13.  
Harry H. Hazlewood.  Novelty
Richer fragrance: Autumn, Chateau de Clos Vougeot, Crimson Glory, Dame Edith Helen, Girona, Etoile de Hollande, Georg Arends, Gruss an Teplitz, Hoosier Beauty, Laurent Carle, Malar Ros, Marcia Stanhope, Mrs. Bryce Allan, Mrs. H. Brocklebank, Mrs. W. E. Lenon, Ophelia, President H. Hoover, Radiance, Rose Marie, Souv. de P. Ketten, Talisman and many others.
Book  (1947)  Page(s) 126.  
President Hoover (Garden, Show & Decorative)  Large semi-double flowers of variable colouring. Inner petals old gold flushed orange; outer claret flushed crimson and orange. At its best a splendid decorative, and can be grown to superlative exhibition standard. Always a grand garden rose, with vigorous growth and healthy foliage. Tall, thin grower.  Fragrant. Habit 4. (HT)
Booklet  (1947)  Includes photo(s).
President Herbert Hoover
Website/Catalog  (1946)  Page(s) 23.  
P[ernetiana]. — PRESIDENT HERBERT HOOWER (B. Coddington 1930). Fleur d'un superbe mélange de couleurs, variant du rouge cuivré au jaune orange brillant, retouché de rose vif. Bouton long et pointu sur pédoncule rigide. Très considérée comme rose de jardins et massifs, recherchée pour forçage et fleur coupée.
Website/Catalog  (1945)  Page(s) 22.  
'President Herbert Hoover'. Large, semi-double flowers with very variable colouring. The inner petals are old gold heavily flushed crimson and orange. The plant is a vigorous, tall, thin grower, producing its blooms on extra long stems. If well grown they are of high exhibition standard, but even as a decorative they are beautiful. Highly recommended. A vigorous climbing sport is now available.
Book  (1944)  Page(s) 83.  
Mr. E. Cummings, W.A.  Well Tried Varieties For Small Areas
President Hoover: Although it defoliates in the lower portion of the bush, it is an excellent one for the centre of a circular bed, as it towers above all others.
Book  (1942)  Page(s) 48.  
W. G. Randell "Geum" of the Western Mail.  Roses in W.A. 
President Hoover I can only describe as the "hurricane" of Roses; for 10 months of the year this vigorous plant grows rapidly and produces a large number of blooms which in autumn time are most outstanding; heights of six and seven feet are more the rule than the exception.
Website/Catalog  (1942)  Page(s) 17.  Includes photo(s).
Wight's Illustrated Dozen Fine Roses for the South
Wight's Georgia-Grown Roses
Two-Toned Roses
President Herbert Hoover. Hybrid Tea. Maroon, orange, and gold. Among the best two-toned Roses. See illustration.
Magazine  (Jun 1941)  Page(s) 13.  
[From the article "Un reportage sur la Côte-d'Azur Quelles sont les roses produites pour la fleur coupée?" by Albert Maumené, pp. 1-17]
M. Landeau me fait également remarquer que la variété Président Herbert Hoover est surtout à cultiver en plein air, où sa végétation et sa floraison évoluent normalement, alors que sous verre, boutons et roses deviennent trop volumineux.
Book  (1941)  
p67.  S. H. Bidwell, NZ.  Auckland's Civic Rose Garden. 
The recently planted bed of President Hoover was disappointing, the blooms lacking the colour and lustre one associates with this Rose.

p80.  John Poulsen, NZ.  South Island Roses
I would like to mention a wonderful bush of President Herbert Hoover that I saw in the Hawarden district, about 60 miles from Christchurch, where I spent a few days at Easter. The bush was three years old, but had only been shifted to its present position last June. When I saw it I was amazed at the growth the plant had made in one season. It was four feet in height and had spread out to about the same distance in diameter. I counted 110 buds and full blooms on the plant, each on single stems of from 18 to 24 inches or more in length, and, in addition, there was a large bowl in the house filled with flowers cut from the same plant. The open blooms were all fully five inches in diameter and the colouring was Hoover at its best. It was worked on a Multiflora stock.

p120.  Fred Jackson, Bassendean WA. 
President Herbert Hoover is now seven feet high and as good a bush as one could wish for. 
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