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'President Hoover' rose References
Book  (1939)  Page(s) 86.  
John Poulsen.  The Rose as a Shrub.
President Herbert Hoover is at all times a very tall grower. In fact, it is considered too tall by some, but it can make a fine large bush, and will then give very long stems. It is a splendid Rose for cutting, and the flowers last well in water,
Book  (1938)  
p126.  Mr A. G. De Lacy, Blackburn, Victoria.  Garden Roses
President Herbert Hoover. Without a doubt this is a charming Rose.  Splendid colour, with strong foliage and well built bloom. Very attractive garden Rose.

p131.  Mr W. Beattie, Thornbury, Vic.  Suburban Roses. 
In my garden this season the outstanding performers have been President Herbert Hoover and Golden Emblem. The former, on dwarf stocks, has attained a height of five feet in three years, and has produced splendid crops of beautiful blooms on stems from two to three feet long.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 12.  
President Herbert Hoover. A cutting Rose par excellence. The plant grows tall—with good foliage, and produces its beautiful fragrant flowers singly on very long stems. The shapely buds open to high-centered flowers of scarlet-yellow, cerise-pink and flame, which last well. Awarded Gold Medal,1934, for best American Rose introduced within the previous five years.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 37.  
Bush Roses
President Herbert Hoover (Hybrid Tea)... Blended cerise, orange and gold. Long pointed buds, medium full, large flowers. Strong, erect growth; very free and continuous. A fascinating colour combination. A really good sort. Recommended. Highly perfumed. Introduced 1930.
Website/Catalog  (1938)  Page(s) 124.  Includes photo(s).
President Hoover
Same photo: 1939, p. 122 (different cut-out); 1940, p. 109
Book  (1937)  
p66.  E.A. Smith.  Outstanding Colours in Roses.
Now I come to the Rose that should be in everyone's garden, even if you only intend growing one Rose, viz., President Herbert Hoover.  I planted three four years ago, and they are now not only the biggest and best bushes in my garden, but those that give the grower most pleasure and fill him with pride. It is easy to grow, the greatest difficulty being to curb its vigorous tendencies; but to see a hundred or so beautiful gold and claret-coloured Roses gloriously unfolding themselves on one bush is one of the greatest delights of the rosarian. The plants are very floriferous, hardy and healthy, and the petals have plenty of substance. The length of stem is the longest I know, and no die-back whatever.

p77.  Harry H. Hazlewood.  Some Better Roses 1930-1936
President Herbert Hoover (E): Rather tall, sparse growth, but a winner in other ways.

p122.  Mr. Frank Penn, Auckland, N.Z. Some Gems Among the New Roses. 
Though introduced several years ago, President Hoover has not become as popular as it deserves. With me the growth is wonderful, and it is easy to pick stems of quite two feet in length. The blooms have a beautiful, uncommon, fragrance. In some parts this Rose is a rather shy bloomer, but where it thrives it is most valuable.
Magazine  (Oct 1936)  Page(s) 169.  
Concours Griffon .... Concours 1935
1. — Président Herbert Hoover ;
2. — Mme Nicolas Aussel ;
9. — Henrick Wendland ;
4. — Sœur Thérèse.
Magazine  (Apr 1936)  Page(s) 37, 40.  
[From "Une Visite chez Les Rosiéristes Américains" by Francis Meilland, pp. 33-47]
De tous, CODDINGTON, est celui qui retient le plus mon attention. N'est-il pas en effet l'obtenteur de la fameuse rose Président Hoover, dont les hautes qualités étaient affirmées tout dernièrement encore par « Les Amis des Roses », qui la désignaient « la meilleure variété de 1930 ». ....Dans les serres, ici, je vois exceptionnellement Président Hoover et Autumn. Ces deux variétés sont à peu près partout abandonnées ; leur production étant insuffisante.
Book  (1936)  Page(s) 132.  
Mr. S. R. Bird, New Zealand.
President Hoover is a Rose with a future, and those long stems are so excellent for cutting. It can be recommended for
the beginner to try, as it will not disappoint him by dying back.
Website/Catalog  (1936)  Page(s) 29.  Includes photo(s).
President Herbert Hoover Hybrid Tea.
One of the strongest growing of the Hybrid Teas. Its flowers are produced on unusually long stems, and as the blooms come singly it is an ideal cut-flower. The flowers are a mixture of pink, yellow, and flame tints and are spicily fragrant. 45 cents each.
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