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'Noisette carnée' rose References
Magazine  (1842)  Page(s) 255.  
Observations upon the Effects produced on Plants by the Frost which occurred in England in the Winter of 1837-8. By John Lindley, Ph. D. F. R. S. &c. &c. Vice Secretary.
Read December 4, 1838.

Generally speaking, the Noisette, Isle de Bourbon, and tea-scented varieties, were found the most tender ; hybrids, between the China Rose and European species, were much less affected; the beautiful Rosa ruga, a mule between Rosa indica and arvensis did not suffer in the least at Pitmaston, or even at Redleaf, where the Noisette, and every description of China Rose, was killed down to the ground.
Book  (1842)  Page(s) 277-278.  
R. ind. Noisettiana Ser. Noisette-Rose; R. Noisettiana Red. Ros. 2.; R. paniculata Hort. Gen. - Bred from seed by Philipp Noisette in America. Blooms from June until late autumn. Stems 4-8' tall, with smooth branches. Prickles strong, divers, hooked, reddish on young branches, brown on older ones. Peduncles glandular, prickly. Pedicels slim, hirsute, clustered in panicles; ovary small, ovoid-elongated; sepals reflexed prior to expansion, partly entire, partly with appendages. 5-7 leaflets, sometimes 9, smooth, large, ovoid-lanceolate, glossy above, pale grey-greenish below, sharply serrated. Blooms medium size, very fragrant, semi-double, whitish pink, in very rich umbels.
Website/Catalog  (7 Jul 1839)  Page(s) 25.  
Mr. J. Van Geert, Horticulteur à Gand.
1041 Rosa Noisettiana
Website/Catalog  (1839)  Page(s) 28.  
Rosa Noisettiana....[own root] 1 new Piemont lira
Book  (1838)  Page(s) 2643.  
Catalogue of Hardy Trees and Shrubs cultivated for sale in the Nursery of the Brothers Baumann, at Bollwyller, in the Department of the Upper Rhine, France. With the Prices for 1838.
Rosiers remontants.
Bon Jard., Belle-Noisette...
Book  (1837)  Page(s) 144.  
Rosiers Noisette...
N. Carnée, h-dy. [Hardy]
Magazine  (Oct 1835)  Page(s) 132.  
Rosa Noisettiana. Rose Noisette. Observations. Le premier rose auquel la reconnaissance attaché le nom de M. Louis Noisette, célèbre pépinièriste à Paris, a été envoyé de Charleston (Etats-Uni d'Amérique) en 1814, par M. Philipp Noisette, son frère. Les semis de ses graines et les fécondations croisées nous ont produit en peu d'années un grand nombre de variétés et hybrides dont la plupart sont d'une beauté remarquable. Tous ces rosiers paraissent tenir du rosier Bengale et du rosier muscat.
Magazine  (1 Dec 1834)  Page(s) 277.  
Remarks on the Colours and Properties of One Thousand Species and Varieties of Roses. By St. Patrick.
I have very frequently felt the want of a list of Roses, which should contain a description of the colour of the flowers, &c. This deficiency, I am pleased to say, I had most agreeably made up a few days since, by having a catalogue put into my hands of a thousand sorts cultivated by Mr. Wood, Nurseryman, Woodlands, near Maresfield, Sussex, and of Paris. The description in the catalogue pleased me so much, and afforded me information at once so useful and interesting, that I resolved on arranging the kinds alphabetically, which is not done in the catalogue, and forwarding the list for insertion in the Cabinet, believing it would be found of use to a great portion of its readers.
Noisette Roses.
847. Old Blush... Very light blush.
Website/Catalog  (1833)  Page(s) 24.  
China Roses.
13 Noisette Blush Cluster
Book  (1833)  Page(s) 48.  
2655. Noisettiana. Bon.
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